田巻真寛 映像作品集 箱1~3
Shinkan Tamaki Film/Video Works BOX 1-3
Files on USB
2,000 JPY/ Box
5,000 JPY/ 3 Boxes
It will be available at Center. Online store is in preparation.
This is the first collection of works by self-taught experimental filmmaker Shinkan Tamaki, who has been making experimental films since the early 2000s. The collection consists of three boxes, including early experimental films on material image and perception, and recent video works recording optical phenomena. High-resolution digital files on a USB memory stick.
Box 1 contains extremely abstract work that pushes the limits of recognition and black and white works that evoke changes in perception.
Box 2 contains black and white film that capture abstract images of wind, and works that attempt to reveal all the colors of visible light without a camera.
Box 3 contains video works that capture the movement of sunlight shining into the architecture and the expression of the space.
The packaging design is by the talented musician/designer Shinjiro Yamaguchi, who has worked with Shinkan for many years. It uses the three primary colors of light, RGB, and is decorated with fictitious video signal waveforms. The three boxes are designed to connect the lines when placed side by side. A photo card of each work is enclosed. Secondary use in creative works (quotations, remixes, etc.) is possible with prior permission from the artist.
<箱1 BOX1>
climax / 2008 / 3 min
Africa Ⅰ / 2010 / 12 min
Sailing across images / 2012 / 15 min / Music by Tetuzi Akiyama + Toshimaru Nakamura
climax positive ver. * / 2008 / 3 min
Total: 33 min

<箱2 BOX2>
Passages / 2013 / 12 min
ULTRA spectrum / 2014 / 5 min
ULTRA spectrum CMYK ver.* / 2014 / 5 min
Footage for live in Kyoto 2011* / 2011 / 0.5 min
Total: 23 min

<箱3 BOX3>
time space motion / 2017 / 29 min
time space motion autumn / 2018 / 6 min
Total: 35 min
*Bonus film

Resolution: Full HD 1920*1080p
File system: NTFS
File format: mp4
Codec: H.264
Interface: USB 2.0 Type-A
田巻 真寛 / Shinkan Tamaki
見たことのないイメージと新しい知覚の気づきを求め、主に映像とそれに関連した作品を制作する。抽象と具象、イメージと音の狭間を行き交う映像、フィルムの物質性を探求した作品などがある。近年は日常の光学現象を観察するビデオ作品の制作、ガラスやプリズムで光を操作するライブパフォーマンスも行っている。ロッテルダム国際映画祭、カナダのメディアシティ映画祭、クアラルンプール国際実験映画&音楽祭など海外での上映とライブも続いている。音と映像の実験場「Sound Screening」主宰。栃木県鹿沼市で2022年にオープンした、Center(模索する多目的スペース+宿泊)副センター長。
Artist in search of never-before-seen images and new perceptual experience. He makes mainly moving image and works related to it. There are works which cross between abstract and concrete, sound and image. In some film works, he focused on the materiality of film and applied it as sculpted objects. Recently, He makes video works which we observe optical phenomena in our daily life. And he also shows live performance that he manipulate lights with glass and prism. The works were screened at International Film Festival Rotterdam(The Netherlands), Media City Film Festival(Canada), Kuala Lumpur Experimental Film, Video & Music Festival(Malaysia), and so on. Organizer of experimental event series in sound and image “Sound Screening”. Vice director of Center (Alternative Space and Hostel), which opened in 2022 in Kanuma, Tochigi.