佐藤実さん企画に出演します。ULTRA spectrum LIVEのバージョン違いをやる予定です。
(English below)
黄金のえじき 第4話 once upon a time in …
開場19:00 開演19:30
料金 1500円 + 1 drink (500円)
神奈川県横浜市中区黄金町2丁目7番地先 黄金スタジオ内
Live Performance:
古舘徹夫 Tetsuo Furudate
田巻真寛 Shinkan Tamaki
佐藤実 minoru sato –m/s
野界典靖 Noriyasu Nokai ex-Kurara Audio Art
90年代から00年代初頭まで日本中のオーディオアーツファンを魅了した伝説のレコードショップKurara Audio Artの主宰。その独自の視点によるセレクションは、多くのアーティストや批評家に影響を与えた。
a few bullions in desert episode 4
once upon a time in …
17th June 2016, Friday
open 19:00
start 19:30
Admission ¥1500+1drink order
Venue:Kogane-cho Sicho Shitsu part2
Kogane-cho 2-7 Kogane-Studio, Yokohama city, Kanagawa
2min walk from Keikyu Line KOGANECHO station
Live Performance:
Tetsuo Furudate
Born in Tokyo. Started his career in experimental film and video art in 1981, then he started music and performing art. He premiered of experimental opera “Othello” 2001 at Podewil, “Auditory Sense of Mr. Roderick Usher” at Dresdner Zentrum für zeitgenössische Musik. It’s won the BLAUE BRÜCKE prize 2003. His radio productions were broadcasted by Deutschlandradio: “Motome-Zuka“2007, “GOYA” 2008, “Death Fragments Prelude” 2011. He premiered “DEATH RAGMENTS” theatrical event with Edwin van der Heide and actors at Theatre Bielefeld.
Shinkan Tamaki
Born in 1982, Japan. Artist in search of never-before-seen images and new perceptual experience. He started making moving image with 16mm film in 2006. Main theme is to lead the audience’s perception to change naturally and sometimes drastically bycoming and going across borders between image and non-image, sound and image with extracting film’s materiality. The works have been screened at many film festivals, including International Film Festival Rotterdam. Recently, He performs to transform optical phenomenon into moving image.
minoru sato –m/s
born in 1963. in 1989, he started activities under the name “m/s”. he established a label called “WrK” for creative activities in 1994, and had been running the label until 2006. he has an interest in a relationship between a description of nature and an art representation, and he is creating art works per physical phenomena and various concepts under the name ‘m/s’. his research and creative activities are explored in the form of installations, multiples, performances and written text. in addition, he is producing sound works under solo project named SASW, collaboration with ASUNA, band ‘IL GRANDE SILENZIO’ and ‘f u r’, and so on. he is attempting these sound works as practice oriented toward music. besides he is organizing contemporary art exhibitions and various events as curator.
Noriyasu Nokai
was owner of legendary avant-garde record shop called Kurara Audio Arts.