Sound Screening 2012

sound-screening_omote_JP_01 (English below)
2012/7/28 (Sat.)
open 18:30
start 19:00
entrance fee ¥2,000(1ドリンク付き)
ご予約は、件名を「Sound Screening予約」とし、お名前と人数を、mare_films(at)までお送りください。

Pere Portabella

普段、私たちの眼で捉える事ができない物理現象や物質要素を、レーザー光によって視覚的にあぶり出す、志水のインスタレーション。共鳴する自作楽器を用いて音波を原始的に操る、大城のライブパフォーマンス。奇跡の日本初公開となるスペインの巨匠Pere Portabellaによる、ガルシア・ロルカにまつわる詩情溢れる短編映画。知覚の曖昧な移ろいに身を任せる田巻の新作フィルムに、現代最高峰の音楽家である秋山と中村がライブでサウンドトラックを演奏します。現象の観測等を通して、鑑賞者の感覚を拡張させるイベントになることでしょう。終演後は、出演者とも親交が深いmodern-gardeによる心地良い選曲で余韻をお楽しみください。ケータリングユニット”chimuta”-からだにしみこむやさしいごはん-が天然酵母パンのサンドをご用意してお待ちしております。

志水児王 / Jio Shimizu
prof_Jio Shimizu

大城真 / Makoto Oshiro
prof_Makoto Oshiro

Pere Portabella
1929年生まれ。スペイン・カタロニア出身。1960年代からフランコ独裁政権に反対する民主化運動に携わり、77年には上院議員に選ばれ、現行のスペイン憲法の制定に関わる。政治活動の傍ら、ルイス・ブニュエルやホセ・ルイス・ゲリンのプロデューサーを務め、映画監督としても数多くの作品を発表し、ベネチアやカンヌを始め世界中の国際映画祭で上映されている。近年、MoMAやTATE MODERNで特集上映も行われた。日本での公開が待たれる、知られざるスペインの巨匠。

秋山徹次 / Tetuzi Akiyama
prof_Tetuzi Akiyama

中村としまる / Toshimaru Nakamura
prof_Toshimaru Nakamura

田巻真寛 / Shinkan Tamaki
prof_Shinkan Tamaki_new

1976年生まれ。収集したレコードとCDの有効活用を考え、17歳からDJを始める。これまでにクラブ、ライブハウス、バー、カフェ、レストラン、アートギャラリー、セレクトショップ、教室、野外などでDJを行う。幅広いジャンルを聴き込み、時間をかけて選曲をしている。”Sound Screening”に向けて、5月中旬から選曲を開始しました。当日はゆったりと寛げる空間を目指します。

Mudanza (Removal)
Directed by Pere Portabella
No dialogue
20min 2008

Sailing across images
Film_Sailing across images
Film by Shinkan Tamaki
Music by Tetuzi Akiyama + Toshimaru Nakamura
Original sound track taken from “Semi-Impressionism”(Spekk KK020)
Thanks to Spekk
14.5min 2012


Shimizu will bring a physical phenomenon to light visually which is invisible to the human eye by a laser beam. Oshiro will manipulate primitively sound wave with his self-made sympathetic instruments. This will be a miraculous Japanese premiere, a beautiful and poetic film about Garcia-Lorca directed by Spanish maestro Pere Portabella. Akiyama and Nakamura who are the top musician of our time will play live sound track for Tamaki’s latest film. The film will lead the audience’s perception to ambiguous changes. Starting from an observation of phenomena, this event will expand your sense. After the performances, please enjoy resonance with comfortable music selected by modern-garde. Catering unit “chimuta” will serve delicious bread fermented by wild yeast.

Jio Shimizu
Born in Tokyo, 1966. Received his MFA in the Graduate School of Art at the Tokyo University of the Arts and is presently based in Saitama. Using acoustics and vibration phenomena as his main materials for expression, he seeks methodologies that recapture elements and aspects of nature from various perspectives in the context of taking a positivist approach to such subjects as phenomena and their perception, the generation of movement and elements, and the relationship between art and natural science. In 1994 he founded WrK with Toshiya Tsunoda and others. He moved to Copenhagen in 2008 as an overseas trainee in receipt of a grant from the Agency for Cultural Affairs, thereafter remaining to live and work until 2010.

Makoto Oshiro
Born in Okinawa, 1978. For live performances, he uses instruments and implements for playing and composing, which he makes by combining electronic devices, junk, and everyday materials. He also creates installation works using sound, light, and movement.

Pere Portabella
Born in 1929, Spain. Since the 1960s, he always maintained a political commitment with all those movements against the Franco dictatorship. In 1977, he was elected Senator in the first democratic elections and he participated in the writing of the present day Spanish Constitution. On the other hand, he has produced some of the emblematic Spanish films cinema such as Luis Bunuel and Jose Luis Guerin. As a filmmaker, He made many films which were invited to several festivals and institutions all over the world including Venice, Cannes, MoMA and TATE MODERN. Maestro whose films have been watched for in Japan.

Tetuzi Akiyama
Guitar player. Born in Tokyo, April 13, 1964. Akiyama specializes in creating music with elements of both primitivism and realism by connecting his own aspirations, in a minimal and straightforward way, to the special instrumental qualities of the guitar. Sometimes delicately and sometimes boldly, he controls sound volumes ranging from micro to macro, in an attempt to convert the body into an electronic entity.

Toshimaru Nakamura
Nakamura has been producing electronic music on self-named “no-input mixing board,” after long unhappy years with the electric guitar. The name describes the method of his music. “No” external sound source is connected to “inputs” of the “mixing board.” Mostly an improviser, occasionally a composer for dancers, an instrumentalist for compositions.

Shinkan Tamaki
Born in1982. I started making moving image with 16mm film in 2006. My theme is to instigate changes in perception by coming and going across the border of images while extracting film’s materiality. The works have been screened at many film festivals, including International Film Festival Rotterdam.

Born in 1976. He started DJing at the age of 17 to make efficient use of collected records and CDs. In the past, he played at club, bar, restaurant, art gallery, clothing shop, classroom and outdoor. He listens to a wide range of genres and takes his time to select tracks. He will provide a comfortable space for relaxation at Sound Screening.

Mudanza (Removal)
Directed by Pere Portabella
No dialogue
20min 2008
Mudanza came to be made after the curator Hans Ulrich Obrist asked for involvement in the Huerta de San Vicente, the home and museum of the Garcia-Lorca family in Granada. The film records the removal of furniture and objects from the building, leaving visitors able to move freely amongst its empty spaces and a silence charged with feeling and resonance and the take from the experience whatever they demand from it – thus making poet Federico Garcia Lorca’s emotive and historic absence ever more powerful, evident and heartfelt.

Sailing across images
Film by Shinkan Tamaki
Music by Tetuzi Akiyama + Toshimaru Nakamura
original sound track taken from “Semi-Impressionism”(Spekk KK020)
Thanks to Spekk
14.5min 2012
Perception changes ambiguously between moving images and sound.
I went on a journey by water. I had been gazing at the calm sea for hours on the back deck. Before my eyes was endless sky, the nearly leaning sea horizon, strong sunlight shining on the surface of the water, and trails on the sea traced by the ship. The sound were of the engine and waves, vibrations propagated through the ship hull, and a pleasant breeze. I’m trying to sense every moment. I am here to watch the sea. Thinking this, I will daydream even before I know it. Occasional whistles make the scene in front of me clear.
Curated by Shinkan Tamaki
Flyer design by Mina Takeda
Thanks to Films 59